FRANZ LISZT (1811-1886) Reminiscences de Don Juan Download score Tutorial by Ferruccio Busoni

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Liszt Reminiscences de Don Juan bar 68

  1. The upbeat = e (not used by Mozart) must not be played as belonging to the following melody.

    Liszt Reminiscences de Don Juan bar 69
  2. Duetto (Originaly Duettino, andante)
    (Don Giovanni-Zerlina.) Don Giovanni begins:
    Là. ci darem la mano (Dort, Hand in Hand verschlungen,
    là mi dirai di sì; gibst du das Jawort mir,
    vieni, non è lontano, folg' mir nun ungezwungen,
    Andiam, mio ben, di qui. es ist nicht weit von hier.)

    (There, you will give me your hand, and become my fiancee, follow me now at ease, it is not far from here.)
    Is with "noble decorum�, easily and evenly, to" sing ".

Liszt Reminiscences de Don Juan bar 77

  1. "Parlando" (speaking): Where this term is as expression text, there is (as in "declamato" and "recitando") the notion of a word-text of the intended execution required. Liszt applied this principle also as a composer, as for example in his Dante Symphony, in which the main themes are quotes from the 'Divine Comedy translated into Music.�For translation of vocal pieces is the original text here given.�This "parlando" refers to the response of Zerlina.

(The last row is to be repeated.)
Vorrei- e non vorrei, (Ich will- und wieder zag' ich-
mi trema un poco il cor i Unschlüssig schlägt mein Herz;
felice, è ver, sarei, Was fürcht' ich- und was wag' ich?:
ma può burlarmi ancor. Am End' ist's nur ein Scherz.)

(I want and I repeat, my heart beats; What I fear and what I dare?: At the End it's just a joke.)

Liszt Reminiscences de Don Juan bar 87

  1. From this point and until the occurrence of the 6/8 time is the part to play with contrast, the most succinct formula should read: urging = reluctance.�(Or: impetuosity = Noblesse, hesitation coquetry.)

Liszt Reminiscences de Don Juan bar 118

  1. The contrasting characters become now united
    and commonly resolve to cheerful expectancy:
    Andiam, Andiam, mio bene (O komm, so laß uns eilen
    a ristorar le pene den süßen Schmerz zu heilen,
    d'un innocente amor. im liebenden Verein.)
    (O come, let us hasten to heal the sweet pain, of an innocent love.)

    The �Piacevole" pleasing, should also be an easily-joyful play to the audience (that is watching at the same time). Notably this applies for the Scherzando postscript.

    Liszt Reminiscences de Don Juan bar 124

  1. Orchestra part which should be distinct from the Sung, and to be played without pedal.

    Liszt Reminiscences de Don Juan bar 132

  1. The "Scherzando" should be played absolutely strict, the dance rhythm tempo without fluctuation.�Therefore measure the speed of the scale, so that the first three of them fall exactly on the center of the bar, the later precisely on the upbeat.

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